"like" button on first post

I had a look through the forum and I am just not getting the answer back I am looking for.

The first post in any thread does not have a “like” button on my forum. Subsequent posts all have the heart as they should. Users have requested a “like” for the first post.

Not sure how to enable it, Can someone point me in the correct direction?


1 Like

Do you use the #voting plugin?


Hi @Moin

Yes, we do have voting enabled. although I do not think we use it to its full advantage. I am not a developer by any stretch just an admin on the site. Is this something I can update or is this something I should engage our developer for?

is there a help document to let me have a look at where the changes need to be made?

Thanks in advance

In your Admin > Customize > Theme > CSS, add

.topic-post.voting-post button {
  &.toggle-like {
    display: block;

to display both Votes and Likes


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