Unable to see 'Like' button in the first post/topic

I am a fairly new Discourse Admin, so apologies if the question seems trivial.
We have recently migrated our University Department’s discussion forum to discourse.

What I am seeing is that the first post in any topic does not have a like button with it.
[Clarification based on @osioke 's response]: This is happening to every post in my forum and for everyone.

Whereas a response does have the like button at the start.

Below is the setting in the Basic Setup for posts (I hope this is the relevant setting for this issue)

Is there some other setting that I have not configured. I am running Discourse on a hosted instance and it has the latest updates.

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I am guessing the topics were you can’t see a like on are your topics, authors don’t see the like icon on their topics until they are liked by someone else. This is because they can’t like their own topics or posts.

No. I am not able to see likes on any posts. Even by others.

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The like button is removed from the OP on categories with Discourse Voting enabled.


Thank You @Falco

That seems to be the setting that I have changed recently. I had put up Votes to ensure that good topics get upvoted and get more traction. This, I believe, is then an intended behaviour.

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