Load parent post?

On the Keyboard Maestro forum they have a nice feature where I can see who a user replied to and I can load the original post for reference. It just makes everything easier to follow:

Is this a core feature, plugin, component?

EDIT: I just noticed that this forum (Discourse) also has that:


But on my new installation, it doesn’t.

This is a core feature. It won’t appear if you reply to my post below as its a follow on to my post but if you or someone else decided to reply to this post 7 [1] replies after, it would show. Also, you have to use the Reply button on a post to do this. Not reply to topic.

  1. example number of replies ↩︎


Thanks for clarifying.
Yes, I was using the post’s Reply button, not the blue Reply button at the bottom of the topic.

So basically if it’s a reply right below the original post, it won’t show. Only if there’s other replies in between.

I just tested it and it’s working. Much appreciated :raising_hands:


Exactly :100: :smiley: