Locale issue

Hi all, I’m self hosting my forum powered via Discourse with DIGITAL OCEAN. Things were working fine since I set it up just the other day, however, all of a sudden I see the following:

This used to not show, I suppose somewhere along the lines I accidentally touched something and ruined this pack! Now it’s showing this annoying “label code”. It seems to have replaced as a placeholder or something. How do I fix this and revert it? I do notice if I change it to the US Locale, ALMOST everything is fine after refresh for example but if I change it back to the UK one, it goes back to what can be seen in the image.

And yes, whilst it’s presently still on UK locale, I’m hoping there is a quick fix so I can stick to it - I have indeed tried incognito, and incognito on mobile as a test user, obviously logged out, just to see what happens and can still see this, so it’s a wide issue and not just as an admin.

EDIT: For now I’ve rolled to my backup. But so I know in the future, if anyone can help? What does/did cause such a thing and how do I easily repair it?

You want to disable the verbose_localization setting