Locale mismatch at theme translations

The language dropdown in the theme translations seems to use the site’s locale at initial load, while the translations are shown in the user’s locale.

My site’s default locale is German, and my user’s locale is English. When I open the settings of the Dark-Light Toggle, the translation looks like this:
So, the dropdown shows German (site’s locale), but ‘Toggle color scheme’ is in English (personal locale).
When I change the language in the dropdown to English, both the dropdown and the translation are in English.
And when I choose German afterwards, both the dropdown and the translation are in German.

I would expect that one of those would appear when I open the settings. The mix creates the wrong impression that there is no German translation.


Hey! We have good news!

This issue was solved:

Thanks for your patience; if you have any issues, please let us know!


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