Log-in Issue - Mod issue while changing email address

One of my mods has locked himself out of my site.

From what I understand he no longer has access to his old email address, and was in the process of changing it to his new email address. Now he cant log in with his old email address, and the new email address has not been sent the authorization.

I resent the aurthorisation, and although it appears its sending it to his new email address, it simply sends an email to the old email address.

I have tried demoting him to a regular user, thinking that this might be a security feature. However the same thing happens.

I cant figure out a way to delete his old email address, or ensure that the authorization goes to his new email address.

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Could getting him to create another account, them merge it, then promote him to a mod be a way around this ?

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With changing the email address. Either resend him activation email. Or manually activate him.

The merge route should work.as well. I have merged a Mod’s old non mod account before.

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Removing their mod status should mean they no longer have to confirm their old email address and only need to authenticate their new email. Could you check your require change email confirmation admin setting and see if you’re asking non-staff to also perform this security check?