Login issue

On EigenLayer forum Just now I got this terrible issue :

I have saved username/pass for login, while trying logging with that it says “Incorrect username, email or password” and when I tried with the email it says, account doesn’t exist lol how it can be possible I have eigenlayer “Confirm your account” email in my inbox on and I did confirmed my account and + I have also got mail from discobot with my username…Whats the problem then???

forum link: https://forum.eigenlayer.xyz/
Username: aceop26
Registered Email: aceop26eth@gmail.com
Attaching proofs below that my account exist with my email :

Hello and welcome @AceOp26 :slight_smile:

I’m not sure this can be classed as a bug in Discourse as such, as it may be an issue with your account on that particular site (it may have been deleted in the intervening time, for instance). Have you contacted the site admins to find out more information? You can generally find a contact email on the site’s /about page.

I’ll slide it over to support until we can establish if it’s a wider issue. :+1: (as you seem to have been able to sign up here okay :slight_smile:)