Login Sigin only through openID

I hosted community on ec2 instance I want to remove this sigin login page so that when i click on one button it directly open the site i configure with openId connect please suggest how to do this

Would this work?

.d-modal.login-modal .login-left-side, .d-modal.create-account .login-left-side {
    display: none;

.d-modal.login-modal .d-modal__body, .d-modal.create-account .d-modal__body {
    padding: 3px;
    padding-right: -2px;
    display: block;

That removes the left side of the modal and leaves you with just the right

Please mention that where i can do these changes I added discourse component which is custom header link

Have you tried to disable the ‘enable local logins’ site setting?


No I haven’t tried I dont know about it could you pls elaborate more

It can be found in site settings

This is a part of the explanation of the Settings Explorer bot:

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thankyou for the reply one more this if i have admin accounts hich i add in my app.yml file now when only authentication is through openID provide how admin account works