I am running Discourse with force_https enabled and using the web.ssl templates (my own certs).
Unfortunately, the discourse logo (/images/discourse-logo-sketch.png) is linked as http:// instead of https://, which results in mixed content warnings. Is there a rake task or API method for resolving this?
How? Does the Upload API support this (Discourse API Docs)? My entire deployment is configuration managed and automated (terraform, ansible, automated launcher calls, automated API configuration, etc…) and I am trying to keep it that way.
Correct… I need to utilize the API or a rake task.
I am waiting for a re-deployment to finish, I can then provide outputs of trying to utilize the logo_url API. Perhaps I don’t understand the intent of that API functionality…
If you’ve customised the installer we can’t help you.
Support here is limited to the standard install. Once you alter the installation or do things which precent an installation from behaving in the same way as the standard install you fall out of scope for the free support provided here.
If you have a budget to fix this try posting over in marketplace
@pfaffman Thank you for the solution. Utilizing the environment variable DISCOURSE_FORCE_HTTPS resulted in the image location being set correctly during build and/or launch.