Looking for doc to connect discourse with digital ocean spaces

Search led me to this topic

Then I went to this topic

I’m confused as to how the settings are handled

@Falco mentions to add the following configuration to the app.yml

    - exec:
        cd: $home
          - sudo -E -u discourse bundle exec rake s3:upload_assets

What about the the Digital Ocean spaces configuration? Do I add it to the same section? Different section? Or will the settings appear in the admin panel?

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There is a section for each compatible provider in that guide. Scroll down on it, DO spaces is the second one.


Yes saw that thanks!

What do I do with the Digital Ocean spaces configuration?

Do I add the Digital Ocean spaces configuration to the same section in the app.yml?
Do I add it to different section?
Or will the settings appear in the admin panel?

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It says:

Does that not communicate that you should add those settings to the env section of your app.yml?

No, they will not show up in the admin interface. Settings set with ENV variables are hidden from the admin interface.

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Sorry I only noticed it after you mentioned it because that small detail was listed under AWS S3. I skipped over it since I’m working with Digital Ocean Spaces. I will give that a try, thanks!


That makes sense.

Does this help?


Looks good and thanks for the update!


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