Make members of a group watch a category by default

I revised the “Watch Category” plugin for my own site, incorporating code from both Jared Needell and Thomas Purchas.

You can find it here:

This version allows you to automatically watch a category or sub-category for all the users in the system or all the users in a particular group.

Features that are still missing:

  • Support for tags
  • Admin UI. This looks tricky as I don’t see any UI that supports nested arrays, which you’d probably need.
  • Users don’t automatically stop watching categories if they’re removed from a group. Should this be an (optional) feature? What happens if a user is removed from a group that prevents them from having access to a category that they’re still watching?

I don’t know Ruby and just cobbled together this for my purposes. I hope that more skilful people than myself can work on the above.


Wow, this is very exciting… hope to try it out soon!

In the official user defaults, I have every user watch all relevant categories by default. If they aren’t in a group which gives them permission to view - they simply don’t get the messages. No problem.

This way, if they are added, they automatically start getting the right messages.

I don’t think it’s important that you have users auto-stop watching categories if they are removed from a group. If they auto-start again when re-added to a group then it’s kinda 6-one-way, 1/2 dozen-the-other, however, the logic as to which groups to remove them from based on what membership could get really ichy if two groups each grant access to a given category, and a user is removed from just one group.

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Thank you for clarifying this! I’ve wanted to try it, but mailcatcher doesn’t work on my development server. And thus had no way of testing email notifications, except on production :scream_cat:

Ah, true. I hadn’t thought of this case. It could get really hairy. Like Sasquatch hairy. :monkey:

I should note that I haven’t tried my plugin in production, as I wanted to figure out the the permission stuff first. I’ll try it over the weekend. People are less likely to be looking at the forum then – in case it explodes.

I think you’re 100% fine not attempting to auto-unwatch Groups. As for Production… I’ll be in line to deploy this right after you :troll: (One of my 4 Discourse is good for testing… only 15 users in “production”)

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It’s worth noting that Watching a category doesn’t watch the category by default

it only watches the topic which are created after a member joins.


it only watches topics that are created after the member starts watching the category. Join date has nothing to do with it.

Yes but that is a bit of a technicality as the user did not exist at all prior to that point. The account creation and watch happen “at the same time”.

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Join date is relevant when I thought my user-pref to default watch key categories when they sign up.

As it is, there is no Watch a category - that entire phrase is a misconception*

There is only Automatically watch new topics in this category. And this is not what I need or expect.

EDIT - This was addressed in

*It states this clear enough in user preferences.

You will automatically watch all new topics in these categories. You will be notified of all new posts and topics, and a count of new posts will also appear next to the topic.


I’m psyched to see this improved code for this plugin and will try it out next time I have to make adjustments to the groups that are to automatically watch categories. For now the old code is working fine and I don’t want to break it. :wink: But adding a new group and category was error prone so this is a vast improvement.

Pretty much agree with all of @watchmanmonitor’s input.

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AFAICT, it works fine. It’s mostly just a cleaner way to do the same ol’ stuff.

But, as @watchmanmonitor pointed out on GitHub, you should fork the repository in order to customize it. This will prevent conflicts since the customization happens right in the code.

BTW, @Jared_Needell had an interesting bit about user.staged that I discarded, as I wasn’t sure what it was doing. My guess is that it ignored staged users?

I also agree with all of @watchmanmonitor’s input, but I’ll reply in @fefrei’s thread.


I’m wondering if any of the mailing list crowd have played around with the updated group PMs.

I’m thinking of using a category for inter-group communication and using the group PM to allow non-group users to contact them. (I thought of doing it the other way around, but it wouldn’t make sense in my case. Non-group users might not want their messages publicly viewable.)

I don’t know if group PMs are covered by Sam’s recent changes to the watching feature: Watching and tracking implementation for tags and categories

In any case, if they’re not now, I assume they would be eventually.

Can someone suggest how to programatically change the watch state for group PMs?

I’m looking for the group PM equivalent for this:

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@techAPJ: Can you point me to some example of how to script users watching group PMs and tags?

@alehandrof, for the record:

# based on
groups = {
  "Group_1" => {},
  "Group_2" => {category: "News"},
  "Group_3" => {tag: "content"},
  "Group_4" => {tag: "content", category: "News"}

# levels: :watching :watching_first_post etc.
level = :watching

groups.each do |group_name, subscriptions|
  group = Group.find_by_name(group_name)
  next if group.nil? # skip if group not found
  puts "group: #{}"
  # watch group inbox
  # found in discourse/spec/services/post_alerter_spec.rb
  # GroupUser.where(user_id:, group_id: level) # change for one user
  GroupUser.where(group_id: GroupUser.notification_levels[level]) # change for whole group
  # watch tag
  tag_name = subscriptions[:tag]
  if tag_name
    tag = Tag.find_by_name(tag_name)
    unless tag.nil?
      puts "tag: #{}"
      # TagUser.where(tag_id: GroupUser.notification_levels[:level])
      group.users.each do |user|
        watched_tags = TagUser.lookup(user, level).pluck(:tag_id)
        TagUser.change(,, TagUser.notification_levels[level]) unless watched_tags.include?(
  # watch category
  category_slug = subscriptions[:category]
  if category_slug
    category = Category.find_by_slug(category_slug)
    unless category.nil?
      puts "category: #{}"
      group.users.each do |user|
        watched_categories = CategoryUser.lookup(user, level).pluck(:category_id)
        CategoryUser.set_notification_level_for_category(user, CategoryUser.notification_levels[level], unless watched_categories.include?(

What will happen if I uninstall/deactivate this plugin? Will all watch settings stay as they are or will all group-members be “unsubscribed” from their category?

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The settings will stay the same if you disable/uninstall the plugin.

This post explains how to change settings for multiple users if, for example, you want to have them stop watching a category (i.e., “unsubscribe”):


@rriemann Your code looks interesting, but I haven’t had a chance to play around with it. Sorry for taking so long to respond. Your code, if it does what it seems to, is much better than mine. I will happily fold it into my plugin, if you (or someone else) doesn’t want to take over this rickety plugin :slight_smile:

I cannot work on this at the moment. Plugin? I think there should be some setting in vanilla Discourse.

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Agreed :slight_smile: But in the meantime, I’d like to have a UI to configure this behavior, and I’m tight on time (and with limited skills). I won’t be able to dig in to see how plugin config UIs work until end of May probably, but I might have time then.

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Is your plugin still working as intended? I forked it yesterday and adopted it but after 12 hours the people it the respective groups are still not watching the respective categories…

I changed :watching to :watching_first_post, maybe there is a problem with that?

No errors logged.

Update: Stupid me: I used the category names instead if the slugs. It should work now, I guess (any way of knowing at what times the script is executed?) Edit: yes there is: check the WatchCategory job at http://<your-site>/sidekiq/scheduler

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You can always go to siteurl/sidekiq/scheduler and run it yourself.

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