Make reply button unavailable immediately after closing topic

Would it be possible to have an option that can be toggled in settings?

Ie When user tries to publish reply notifies topic is closed(already does something like this).

With an option that can be able to adds.

This Topic is closed; would you like to Start a new topic?

Now I say optional as many communities might not want users reviving a topic this easily if was closed for a reason.

Basically what happens is when you click the reply button, it ask if you want to use moderator powers to reply, even if you aren’t a moderator. If the post is flagged, this doesn’t happen. I think that the best you can do is delist it. Don’t quote me tho.

I’m sorry for almost destroying multiple communities. six times.

Maybe – that’s not a bad idea, it would be

  • additional friction around replying to a closed topic, which is probably a good thing
  • a “just in time” reminder that you’re about to do something that only a moderator can do (post to a closed topic)

I can support adding an additional pop-up warning here @eviltrout if you want to assign it, and if it is easy?

(I’m not concerned at all about the “topic was closed while someone was writing a reply” case, but TL4 / staff users accidentally replying to closed topics when they did not intend to has definitely passed the rule of 3.)

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That is a theme that already exists located here that is installed on our forum. What he is specifically mentioning is that a user without TL4 powers is getting that notification when the reply button is still (for some reason) there on closed topics upwards of 20 minutes after it’s closed (and refreshing)

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