Mark topic as solved without specifying solution post

Continuing the discussion from Can multiple replies be marked as the solution?:

I understand that you won’t change things so that multiple posts can be marked as the solution, as that would complicate things too much, but would it be possible to change it so that a topic can marked as solved with no post being identified as the solution?

My idea probably would not be the perfect solution for a really big topic, but for a small topic where there have been maybe four or five posts and two which provide good solutions (whether different or the same) it would definitely work.

Thank you for considering this.

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I’ve just voted for this, and encourage others to do so :slight_smile:

It would work in two scenarios. You could mark a topic as solved:

  1. Even if it has no replies; or
  2. Without specifying which reply is the solution, if there are multiple replies with solutions.
