We have @mention and #forum - but if I from a thread will link to another we could have %search or something simular?
Or how do you easily link to another thread…
Any hints…
We have @mention and #forum - but if I from a thread will link to another we could have %search or something simular?
Or how do you easily link to another thread…
Any hints…
At the fairphone forum we use unique tags for some topics that get linked to a lot.
You can set up a tag group with a parent tag that only admins and mods can use (we use #staff). That way mods can add new tags to that group without an admin having to set up each individual tag to be used by staff only.
That way we can quickly link to some important guides like #rebootsguide, #blackscreenguide and #gpsguide.
Good idea!
Duplicate of https://meta.discourse.org/t/how-about-mentioning-topic-feature/7350?u=falco
Thanks @Falco - but what about on mobile?
No solution for mobile yet.
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