Merging topic doesn't show the last poster's avatar, but the person who merged

Not sure if this is a bug or not.
Basically, I split topic A into B, but the topic title of B showed my avatar, not the user who’s post got split.
What I did (sequence):

  1. In topic A, I added a staff notice.
  2. Then, I merged it into topic B.
  3. In topic B, I edited that post’s staff notice.
  4. I noticed that the staff actions didn’t bump (I know this is expected behaviour), but the avatar was mine and not that user’s.

Is this expected? Or a bug?

I’m not 100% I’m repro-ing this right, but here’s what I did:

  • Create topic1 using testuser_1
  • Reply to topic1 as testuser_2
  • Create topic2 using testuser_1
  • As admin, add staff notice to testuser_2’s post
  • As admin, select testuser_2’s post and move to topic2
  • As admin, edit staff notice on testuser_2’s post

Everything seems normal and the correct avatars are displayed:

Did I miss something?

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Hmm. Odd. Here are 2 screenshots from desktop view:

You can see that though I did not post, my avatar is there.

When merging, did you check the 'preserve chronological order after merging` box? What are the timestamps for the two latest posts? (you can get the specifics if you click on the ‘1d’ in the top right).

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No, I didn’t.

When checking the timestamps, I found the answer:
Aug 18, 1:09 PM - My post
Aug 18, 11:40 AM - Merged post

It is confusing, though.