I had problems installing because there wasn’t enough space on the virtual machine for discourse, I tried to have a look to see if this is an existing issue but I can’t find anything.
How easy would it be to add a quick check before running the install script to check that there is enough space?
I could put in a pull request if it would be easy / generally helpful.
Hmm. The script currently checks that there is 5GB available. Did you have more than that, and if so, was it not enough? Is it possible that the VM lied about how much space was available?
On an install I did today, Discourse, Docker, and the OS (Ubuntu 16.04) take up 6.6GB. Discourse itself is 75MB. /var/lib/docker is 4.4GB. 5GB seems like a pretty reasonable requirement.
It was an 8GB AWS Ubuntu 16.04 instance, which had some other things installed on it, I still have the snapshot if there is anything helpful I can do to debug it.
Increasing the space made it work, so I’m pretty confident it was the space that was the issue, but I’m not sure why this script didn’t work.