Migration to new server using Discourse backup doesn't restore scheduled jobs

Found this issue while migrating to a new server. All the long term jobs (scheduled topic close, delete, unpin, publish, calendar jobs, close polls, …) are stored in redis, which is not included in the backup file. This results in all those jobs missing on the destination server.

For a manual migration, there is a workaround by using redis-cli with the save command on the source server, and then manually copying the dump.rdb to /shared/redis_data/ on the destination server.

Unfortunately I only discovered this after the fact (the source server was already deleted), and now I’m missing all the scheduled jobs. Is there any way to recreate those jobs from the info stored in the postgresql db?

Should this be included in the backup file and used in a restore procedure automatically? In cases when forum has to be rebuilt during disaster recovery, the manual workaround is not available.

Did you figure this out? Is this is roadblock to migration?