Moderation by topic?

Is there any way to moderate specific topics i.e. require moderator to approve before it becomes visible to the community?

In terms of site settings the option approve unless trust level would allow you to require all posts from users below a specific trust level be approved. There’s also an approve new topics unless trust level which has the same affect for topics. If you set that to TL0 all new users would need their topics or replies to be moderated site-wide before they appear.

You can also require moderator approval of all new topics and replies at a category level. If you look at your category settings under the ‘settings’ tab the options are called require moderator approval of all new topics and require moderator approval of all new replies.

There are no equivalent settings to apply to specific topics.


Having such a setting would be awesome. We have some topics which are known to trigger unwanted behaviour in some people. We would still like to have those discussions without the need to create a separate category for them :-/

Then they should be moved to group PMs if that granular level of access is needed.


It’s not about access but moderation. We want the discussion to be accessible for everyone, while also every post in the topic to require moderator approval.

There is no concept of per-topic permissions in Discourse outside of PMs.

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