Modify TopicExcerpt template?

I want to add the topic-creator avatar to topic-list excerpts, but there doesn’t seem to be anyway to modify the Topic Excerpt.


I think the only option is to hide .topic-excerpt with CSS and use my own component via the topic-list-main-link-bottom Plugin Outlet which is right under the TopicExcerpt area. The problem with that is the plugin outlet only gets the topic as an arg, so I have to duplicate all the logic in expandPinned to know if I should be showing it or not.

tl;dr; Could we get a PluginOutlet inside the TopicExcerpt and/or pass @expandPinned to the topic-list-main-link-bottom outlets?

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You have more options now, see:

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I’ve looked into all the options AFAIK. There is no surgical way to modify the just the excerpt that I can see.

yes there is, delete it and add your own

You mean replace the whole topic-list-item with my own? I’d like to avoid having to maintain all that when I only want to modify a small piece.

no, replace the excerpts cell, or add another one next to it and hide it.

The excerpt is not a cell. It’s used inside the topic-cell and in the mobile item

You can also see there that the nearby topic-list-main-link-bottom plugin-outlet only passes the @topic, but not @expandPinned.

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Ah yes you are right, apologies.

I saw the file in the topic-list components and made an assumption.

But in any case, there’s loads of tools to achieve what you want here, no?

Plugin outlet looks like a good option and then manipulate the layout with CSS?

As for the expandPinned, maybe replicate the logic in your new Component as much as you need to?

Yeah that’s the path i was going down. Which also means replicating

  get useMobileLayout() {
    return applyValueTransformer(
      { topic: this.args.outletArgs.topic }
  //and from discovery/topics.js
  get expandGloballyPinned() {
  get expandAllPinned() {
    const category = this.discovery.category?.id
    const tag = this.discovery.tag?.id
    return category || tag;

I was hoping pleading to the gods might produce a cleaner option :pray: :sweat_smile:

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That’s what I’m usually doing on a Monday morning.


this seems reasonable, so I’ve done this here:


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