Move some post actions to "extra drawer"

Yeah, agreed – we should tweak this @eviltrout – if we are only hiding one option behind the “show more” ellipsis, then don’t hide at all.

The minimum threshold to do “show more” should be two hidden buttons.

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I disabled the feature while we work this out:

It was driving me nuts.

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Also, flagging is WAY rarer than bookmarks, 3000 bookmarks vs 97 flags on meta, in all times.

If anything it should be hidden.

Imo, we should show like, link, bookmark, edit, you can slip edit into the drawer when its other people’s stuff

No, strongly opposed. You keep a trash can on every corner so the city stays clean. Flag is massively important to community governance, even as a symbol.

We can probably hide flag on your own post since that should be exceedingly rare. That I can support.

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2 clicks to bookmark is basically murdering the already unused feature.

I think in the rare cases you want to bookmark, you will find it… extra click or tap is a non issue in those cases, it is kind of a power user thing anyway.

I just don’t see why the severe objection to

like|link|bookmark|flag|other … if we must, personally it just annoys me that you are taking away something that I sometimes use (bookmark) and show me something that I never use instead (flag).

I am ok with hiding edit when its other people’s stuff, its a function we should be careful with. Though you should always show it on wiki, so there is an edge case.


How exactly are we taking bookmark away? It becomes two taps instead of one.

Flag cuts to the heart of the community governance principles that Discourse is based on from day zero. Bookmark is just a rarely used convenience for power users.

I definitely agree that I miss edit on my own posts a lot though.

I think a lot of this collapsing is very much entering user preferences land.

I agree, honestly, I think the best use for the extra drawer would be for plugin/addon usage. All core features should be present all of the time, anything beyond core should be in the extra drawer.

Out of curiosity, have you had a chance to check this relationship on your partner sites? There are a couple of reasons that I would not be surprised to see meta as… non-typical… in this regard.


I’ve changed it so that:

  • Keyboard shortcuts work again
  • If there is only one thing to hide it doesn’t hide it
  • If it’s your own post, the edit icon is hoisted out

Let’s see

188 flags, 929 bookmarks
50 flags, 1199 bookmarks
284 flags, 1011 bookmarks

One problem is that we only measure currently set bookmarks, whereas flags are all time counts.

I’d also argue that the “importance” of flag is different than bookmark, especially when in need. As in “wow, this is an offensive blog post? Where the fu** do I inform someone? I can’t find it. What a crappy place, they are trying to hide this fundamental feature?” vs “Hmm… Is there some way I can save this for later? Let’s see. hmm. maybe a search. Oh yeah, this button thingy can do it. Ok, where do we have that… Ah, in the extended section”.

Unfortunately “flagging” is one of those features where the ultimately desire is to have no one use them. But if there is the case that it is needed, it needs to be super accessible. Like a fire extinguisher.

Personally, I’d love to discuss whether user-behaviour could play a role in the order of features. @sam seems to bookmark (relatively) much, while never using the share-feature. For me, you’d find the opposite being the case. While we are already trying to guess what someone wants to read, why not also make those things they use most, make most accessible…

I know this is dangerous turf…

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You know, it’d be pretty neat if you could drag and drop any icons you wanted into and out of the ExtrasDrawer, sort of like any OS dock menu. That way you’d be very aware of what’s there.

Dangerous turf indeed…

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