Moving to subdomain


I’m a new discourse user, converted from phpbb, and I’m loving it, though modding is a bit trickier. I have a couple questions I was hoping to get a hand with;

My Discourse instance is running on a digitalocean droplet, and I unfortunately didnt have the foresight to put it on a subdomain such as, it’s currently at Would anyone know if its possible to move it on to a subdomain rather than having it on the root?

Assuming the above is possible, am I able to still host pages external to discorse on the same droplet? Such as a more traditional hope page with a link to the discorse? I presume so… would I just install LAMP on the droplet?

Thanks so much,

Yes, it is possible, The amount of work depends upon how much active content you have. This migration may include some downtime as well.
I don’t know exactly about your setup but this guide can be a good reference for what you want:

You can do that, but it requires additional set of configuration to your droplet.
Here is a Guide for that:

That can be done but I’d recommend a LEMP stack instead (it makes things much easier)