Multilingual Plugin 🌐

Is this a non-standard Custom Language?

If it’s a regular language, didn’t load your language from a file?

The language changes are ultimately stored the same way they are in Customize → Text so should be exported in a normal backup.

Suggest validating that by creating a staging instance without the plugin and loading the backup to it and validating the changes are still there.

Without the plugin there will not be a convenient way to remove changes en masse (by deleting the upload)

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I was forced to make a copy of Spanish to change the trust level string in all our instance. So we are using ES_XX (extra version).

I really miss on Discourse the possibility to edit text in plain mode. On old school forums we can download and upload a single file and that’s it.

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Hello @angus @merefield ,

I just installed a new instance of Discourse, activated 2 plugins (discourse-translator and discourse-multilingual), and I am getting the error that appears in the screenshot. Did I miss something?

I also noticed that the documentation is not available, as I am always redirected to broken links… Can you please help me?

Thank you in advance

Expect very slow responses here for a while. We are focussing on paying clients and a major migration. Until that migration is complete support for our free plugins will be patchy. Apologies.


Hi there! The plugin used tag groups ID 1 or 2 on tags and prevent to edit the groups from the UI plus we can’t delete group, only all the tags.

We had that groups used before installing multilingual so we need to move the actually grouped tags to different ones (4 and 5).

Please, can somebody tell me the more elegant way to do it? After moving our tags we will use multilingual at the end with language tags and not our previous grouped instead :slight_smile:

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I faced a strange bug,

if I try to set default sidebar tags in the dropdown there are no language tags visible, but if i hover on them there is data. This looks like

I can also select them.

The same behaivor is when a user try in his own gui settings to set custom default tags.



Hello, I installed the plugin, thank you for the very successful development.

There is an option to select multiple languages ​​when adding a topic, it would be better if you add an option to it. On/off option in settings.

When a normal user is sharing a topic, even if there is no language selector in the topic panel, the topic is opened. If it is added there, I think it should be compulsory.

Could I add more language in “Customize > Text”?

I remember you could but I don’t know the actual current state of the plugin (just disabled it because a wrong custom locale in my instance causing issues).

Maybe can we recap things over here? What’s working, what’s not, what’s planned and what’s not?

I reported/suggested that multilingual icon can points to tagged posts like:

ES -> tag/es
EN -> tag/en

That’s seems to be a logic and very simple fix/improvement. But that’s not mandatory and probably there is more to keep in mind first.

I’m finishing things by my own and then I will support Pavilion because multilanguage and custom forms are mandatory for us :slight_smile:

But I have a lot of work first! And because of that I know what the cooperative is facing. Kudos for the team, it seems to be the most solid one beyond the core (!)

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For now the only thing you can rely on as working is if the pavilion dashboard says the tests pass.

Then scan through the existing tests in the source to see what is tested. (The test descriptions are very readable). There’s front and backend tests.

There’s a project about to kick off on this plugin I believe so it’s about to receive some love hopefully.


This plugin has minor errors when I upgraded the last version

Could you check it, please?

I don’t see why it would cause that service-worker-related error… but we do have a PR open which will will solve a known issue against the latest tests-passed

cc @angus @merefield


Could I test this commit with this tag “v3.1.0.beta6”?

@cmdntd the PR is now merged, so if you update the plugin as normal (e.g. via a rebuild) then the fix will be present


Thanks. It seems ok now.


It’s amazing that all of you contributors have spent years working and committing time to the development of this plugin. I just came across it as I’m working on setting up a multi-lingual support community using Discourse.
Other than this thread here and the git repo, are there any other sources of official documentation for this plugin?


You did not mention the documentation, which is linked in the first post.


Thank you for the plugin! We (MetaBrainz Discourse) haven’t set it up yet, but we are looking forward to using it.

Discourse has rolled out a new ‘automatically clean unused tags’ feature:

We are erring on the side of caution - will enabling this will cause issues with this plugin?

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Hi, every one.
I catch the problem while i have adjusted plugin.
I set 3 tags for english ukranian and russian languages and used them.
Yesterday i realised that all of them have moved to all tags group.

How can i return them in right place?

How could we have en = English, instead of English (US)?

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