My forum disappeared because Apache got installed

My forum was good till today morning I noticed that the home page has somehow been replaced my apache default page.It has disappeared or at least got hidden.

My server is amazon web server and I can confirm that the discourse is still available inside my server.

Please assist me in getting back to my forum.

I guess you recently installed Apache in your instance. see Search results for '#howto apache' - Discourse Meta


Well at least I didn’t but the server might have done it.
So now how to get back to my website?

Did you restart the server? Do you need apache installed on the server or are there other sites/admins who might need it installed?

If it’s not needed, I’d recommend uninstalling apache and restarting your discourse instance. apt-get remove apache2, cd /var/discourse (or where your discourse install is) and ./launcher restart app


worked like a charm.
Many thanks!
Have a nice day :slight_smile: