Let’s say I’m tracking a topic. I’ve read everything in it, and then select a post besides the last one to reply to. My own post then gets flagged as a new unread post for me in “latest” or suggested topics. But I wrote it, so I have read it.
Is this intentional behavior? I didn’t notice it happening until the last few months.
As an aside, when I try to duplicate this bug on try.discourse, I can’t. It seems like the “Don’t jump to my post after I reply” preference is ignored there, so any post jumps me to that post and it is, thus, “read”.
Yeah @xrav3nz when you get started can you have a look at this?
@codinghorror one thing we did kind of forget about over the years is an “ephemeral” notification kind of thing built into Discourse. Then when a new post happens in a topic we could quickly notify users that there was new activity without being too noisy and when you post without navigating to the post we would notify you that the post actually happened.
Note, this option “don’t jump to post” does potentially create a fair amount of reading holes which we do not deal with at all.