Need Discourse + Wordpress SEO Migration

What would you like done?

I just need a simple Discourse + Wordpress plugin with The Manual Theme (Already bought). Just basic functionality is needed, I already have it all hosting, but I can’t get the Discourse and Wordpress connected.

When do you need it done?


What is your budget, in $ USD that you can offer for this task?


Are you saying that you have installed wp-discourse and cannot get it to connect to Discourse?

What does “basic functionality” mean? Do you want SSO? Do you want WP to Post to Discourse for Discussion? Or do you really mean that if wp-discourse is connected to Discourse, you’re all set?

If it’s the latter, I’ll do it for $150: Discourse Standard Support – Literate Computing, LLC. I’ll need admin accounts to WordPress and Discourse. You can email


I have installed wp-discourse on my wordpress site and cannot get it to connect to discourse.

I would like for users to be able to comment on articles on the wordpress site, and for it to show up on both the discourse forum and underneath the article.

Hi, A coworker and I made a free plugin (there will be a paid version with a lot of powerful features) that allows WP-Discourse users to post on discourse directly from synchronized WP topics. This is not publicly released yet so I’ll send you a link by private message.

We can also help about your connect issue, I’ll give you more details privately.

Yeah, I’d love to integrate that!

I actually just got it working. Turns out it was just a cacheing issue. Thank god.

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