New Bulk Select Actions Dropdown

The bulk select topics feature is switching from the existing modal to a new dropdown for selecting which action you would like to perform on the selected topics.

One of the motives for switching to this new design is to prevent modals on top of modals that would sometimes occur.

Each action shares a common modal with a cancel and confirm button in the footer.

Plugins, like the discourse-assign plugin, can also add custom actions to the dropdown:

Silently Close Topics

One new feature that we have added to the Bulk Close Topics action is the ability to silently close topics:

This will all you to close many topics without bumping the unread state for any users who have already read the topics and happen to be watching/tracking it.

Common Message when Closing

Along these same lines we also added the ability to add a message when bulk closing topics so that you can include the same mini-post content on all of them.

And this is how the common message appears in the closed topics:

What do you think?

Currently this feature is still in the “Experimental” stages and is gated by the SiteSetting.experimental_topic_bulk_actions_enabled_groups setting. We would love your feedback as we continue to improve this feature, so please enable it on your site and let us know what you think!


Incredible new feature. The dev team of Discourse rocks!!