New user registration activation email not working

i installed discourse server version 2.7.0 in ubuntu without docker
it works fine , when users make registration by their email id
the server gives the message " You’re almost done! we sent activation mail to email provided
but no mail is received to users .

The test mail is working fine
my smtp config is

smtp_address = ""
smtp_port = 587
smtp_domain =
smtp_user_name = ""
smtp_password = "*********"
smtp_authentication = login
notification_email =
smtp_enable_start_tls = true

any clues to resolve this issue to get activation mails

i did discourse installation without docker and follow this link to install

everything works fine , i use gmail smtp to send mails . the test mail works fine
but when a user tries to register with email the activation mail is not sent to the user
any clues to solve this issue

moreover is the log location same as discourse docker installation for discourse non docker installation?
or something else path for logs for non docker discourse installation?

already put a query for this

@tkdhanasekar, I have merged your topics with each other. Please do not make duplicate topics. Future duplicate topics will be deleted.

Also, please note that the only supported install here is the official install. Support for all other installs, like installing without Docker, will be extremely limited if or non-existent.

sorry for the duplicate topic , will not happen again

Gmail isn’t a supported mail provider. There are lots of reasons that the email can be stopped at Google, my recommendation would be to use one of the supported providers.


I’m experiencing the very same or very similar issue.
As admin I can sent a test email to outside & real address but when I try to register with that very (or any) address then… nothing happens.
I have control over the mail server and as I’m looking at its logs - as for user registration or as if admin re-sending activation email - it appears that there is no attempt to communicate, to connect to mail server.
Without debugging Discourse logs:

Started POST "/u/action/send_activation_email" for at 2023-08-29 18:34:14 +0000 Processing by UsersController#send_activation_email as */* Parameters: {"username"=>"lemko"} Rendered text template (Duration: 0.0ms | Allocations: 1) Completed 200 OK in 39ms (Views: 1.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms | Allocations: 2848)

I’m novice so go easy on me when ask - this is not because I do not have sidekiq right?

Well… seems that, absolutely yes Sidekiq is a-must for that (& probably many other things??)