Not getting an Activation Email

I followed the standard installation progress, but still can not get an activation mail
I’m very sure my email configuration in app.yml is correct, I wrote a test program in the same docker, with the same config files, and it worked properly
Run discourse-doctor, tell me it can connect my smtp server successfully, but sending mail failed
I test my email in outlook, on my server with a python script, and in Docker app, it all worked
I don’t know what’s the problem

Tell us how it failed!

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This is usually because your notification email domain does not match what you set it up for.

You can check the logs at wherever is sending (or refusing to send) your email.

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log showes redis got something wrong, i’m working on it

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Now I know there is something wrong with redis, redis can’t connect to port6397, I tried everything. still can’t fix it

FWIW Redis listens at 6379, not 6397. Not sure if it’s a typo or not.
But you really need to tell us more, not “log shows … something wrong” but the actual log, and such.

I don’t know nothing, but this happends with 6379 and it is normal.

1226:M 31 Aug 2024 20:12:31.886 # Warning: Could not create server TCP listening socket *:6379: bind: Address already in use
1226:M 31 Aug 2024 20:12:31.886 # Failed listening on port 6379 (TCP), aborting.