Notifications via Facebook

Yeah, but you have to remember about one of the most important Open Source rules - when they close the door, we enter via window :wink: Anything that is not explicitly forbidden in ToS is allowed, right?I doubt that they’ll change their APIs and methods again just because some discussion software community found some loophole :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d like to ask you about Telegram Notifications Plugin (discourse-telegram-notifications) : it interacts with Telegram bot when regular :discourse: notification is created, is that right?

About the notifications - yes, they are available for every app, and if we’d combine it with embedding :discourse: instance as a FB canvas app, we would escape the TOS, as redirecting users out of faceook by app is explixitly forbidden. And I still remember, that making canvas app out of regular website is rather straight-forward, I did something like this with Drupal once.

Perhaps we could use the “invite friend to this app” mechanism as well? Combined somehow (or not) with :discourse: built-in invitations system?

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