Notify admin when site settings are updated by system

We recently had our download_remote_images_to_local disabled by system as s ‘silent’ change. As a site owner, it would have been useful to receive a DM about this. I’m not sure if there are more changes that can be updated by system like this though.


I’ve seen that happen when the disk is full. Was it that or something else?

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It wasn’t full, just going below the threshold we set for downloading remote images.


I think the suggestion is reasonable, unfortunately I do not think we will have time to work on this for quite a while.

Placing a pr-welcome on it in case anyone in the community wants to investigate this. (A PM to admins when we fiddle with the setting)


The “system” broke our site by changing the default trust level to “0” when we had set it to be “1”.

It is very surprising that the system can make ad hoc changes to our production site without any kind of approval or notice and we need to prevent this from happening again in the future.

Is there any way to disable these automatic system changes?

This should not happen, plenty of sites have default of TL1. We need more context, can you open a new topic about this.


So it turns out that this happened due to bootstrap mode on a new server/app that we were setting up.

But my message was less about this specific system change and more about how any system change should ideally require approval so things don’t break. If approval isnt possible then at minimum an email notifying all admins about the change (which I think is more or less what the OP was asking after) would be great.

Thanks for all the work on Discourse!

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Hi @Earnie_Baird, this is great feedback.

I guess one suggestion would be to have more clarity on bootstrap mode, maybe when you see that on the header and click on it it should very clearly spell out what happened.