oEmbed + Embed.ly

Here’s what I’d like to setup as a plugin.

Not sure where to begin and how this would work. Perhaps this can be done using onebox or something else?

I’d like to be able to create a more generic embedding interface - Onebox is ok, but not in my use case ( lots of links being posted and we want richer descriptions and one single template to rule the all).

First let me get this out of the way - there is a free tier at Embed.Ly which allows 5000 oembed calls. :slight_smile:

With the build in onebox, I get this:

With embedly’s oembed API I get this:

   "description":"Cynics in the local media like to say: there's no such thing as the most absurd, only the more absurd. The Cantonese saying may not translate well, but the message is clear - just when we think we have seen everything, something more bizarre will...",
   "title":"Hong Kong's Latest Epidemic: Ridiculitis",
   "provider_name":"South China Morning Post",

For a facebook video from another thread, I get this:

   "description":"THE \"ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE TRUCK\" -> Dima Koslowski",
   "title":"Dima Koslowski - Timeline | Facebook",
   "author_name":"Dima Koslowski",
   "html":"<iframe class=\"embedly-embed\" src=\"//cdn.embedly.com/widgets/media.html?src=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fvideo%2Fembed%3Fvideo_id%3D879922095450656&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fdima.koslowski%2Fvideos%2F879922095450656%2F&image=https%3A%2F%2Fscontent.xx.fbcdn.net%2Fv%2Ft15.0-10%2Fs160x160%2F12496571_879937415449124_521787180_n.jpg%3Foh%3Dd435f3b9eade0643e79f6b7f2d6d82b3%26oe%3D5831128A&key=430136d4c9274a4e91e08196f6a76460&type=text%2Fhtml&schema=facebook\" width=\"500\" height=\"400\" scrolling=\"no\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen></iframe>",

Can someone suggest a few areas I could look at to bring this into discourse?

The API is called using this:


Not particularly good timing if you look at 1.7 in releases.

We view this as a core competency so, as with any core competency, we would never outsource it.

Just saw that. Thanks.

No clue how you’re going to do this and what the end result would look like and for sure don’t want to tread on core features. I hope you do consider an approach which may allow a developer to override the built in onebox. :slight_smile:

I actually do want to go further and bring in some tagging / entity and term extraction using some services like alchemyapi / semantria / diffbot into the links posted on this forum that I’m looking at developing, so figured this sort of plugin would be a good start for me to learn ruby / discourse at the same time.