I love Discourse, thank you for making this great piece of software. You’re awesome!
I’ve just installed it on my local LUG server. However, some of the translations to Portuguese aren’t great. Many are missing and some are just awkward. So, I’d like to contribute. I’ve already joined Transifex and have started contributing. Is the pt_br team really active? Translations seem a bit out of date.
No problem! I’ll be manually changing things in my instance until the translations start trickling down.
Great, thanks for the heads up. The glossary had “post == publicação”, so that’s how I translated it. What do you think? That might be better, since it won’t conflict with “message”.
EDIT: I understand what a “staged user” is, but how the hell am I supposed to translate that into Portuguese?! Santa paráfrase!
We’re just starting a LUG in São Carlos, São Paulo. Please take a look at our site at sancalug.org. We’d be honored to have you join us there, just bear in mind it’s early days!