Old linux droplet doesn't support more recent

I have a very very old linux droplet on Digital Ocean.

How can I fix this?

BTW - before trying to update, I got the worst spam infestation ever!

I first tried the regular update button:

Tasks: TOP => assets:precompile:compress_js

(See full trace by running task with --trace)


#<RuntimeError: RuntimeError>

/var/www/discourse/plugins/docker_manager/lib/docker_manager/upgrader.rb:210:in `run’

/var/www/discourse/plugins/docker_manager/lib/docker_manager/upgrader.rb:111:in `upgrade’

/var/www/discourse/plugins/docker_manager/scripts/docker_manager_upgrade.rb:19:in `block in ’

/var/www/discourse/plugins/docker_manager/scripts/docker_manager_upgrade.rb:6:in `fork’

/var/www/discourse/plugins/docker_manager/scripts/docker_manager_upgrade.rb:6:in `’

Then I logged in and tried the old way to rebuild the app.

root@forum:/var/discourse# ./launcher rebuild app
ERROR: Docker version 18.09.0 not supported, please upgrade to at least 20.10.0, or recommended 24.0.7
root@forum:/var/discourse# wget -qO- https://get.docker.com/ | sh
Executing docker install script, commit: 0d6f72e671ba87f7aa4c6991646a1a5b9f9dae84
Warning: the “docker” command appears to already exist on this system.

If you already have Docker installed, this script can cause trouble, which is
why we’re displaying this warning and provide the opportunity to cancel the

If you installed the current Docker package using this script and are using it
again to update Docker, you can safely ignore this message.

and then I tried tho install docker

root@forum:/var/discourse# wget -qO- https://get.docker.com/ | sh
Executing docker install script, commit: 0d6f72e671ba87f7aa4c6991646a1a5b9f9dae84
Warning: the “docker” command appears to already exist on this system.

If you already have Docker installed, this script can cause trouble, which is
why we’re displaying this warning and provide the opportunity to cancel the

If you installed the current Docker package using this script and are using it
again to update Docker, you can safely ignore this message.

You may press Ctrl+C now to abort this script.

  • sleep 20

This Linux distribution (ubuntu bionic) reached end-of-life and is no longer supported by this script.
No updates or security fixes will be released for this distribution, and users are recommended
to upgrade to a currently maintained version of ubuntu.

ChatGPT walked me though upgrade including recovering disk space!

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You have to upgrade to a supported is to upgrade docker. The I recommend moving to a new droplet.


But that’s another way to play it! Nice going!

(One thing about having a very old instance, it might be that your provider offers newer better instance types at the same price. In my case, double the RAM, double the disk, and double the CPU for the same price.)