Old unread topic doesn’t show up as unread in tracked category

My rough imperfect translation is

  • mute - I don’t care, don’t bother me
  • normal - I’ll find them on my own thanks
  • tracking - if it involves me let me know about it
  • watching - I want to know about everything that happens

I have quite a few categories set to Watching and necro’d topics I have not previously visited in those categories come to my attention without a problem.

Any reasons Watching doesn’t work for you?

(feels off-topic, but might be related)
Maybe not so much “without a problem”. It took me a bit of scrolling but I found a topic in the Feature category (that I Watch) that I had not visited, but was not a New and had the notifications level Nomal.

I’m guessing it was started in a category I’m not watching, was moved, and the edit history indicating the move was deleted?