Cool that you come back to this @sam. So the problem is:
Never clicked topics in watched and tracked categories. They don’t behave like watched and tracked topics. Except one thing: you get notifications for those topics nevertheless (only if they are in a watched category of course, not in a tracked one). So the notifications seem to use some other information than the rest of discourse, what a watched topic is. I would prefer every functionality, that relies on watched topics, to use the same information as the notifications. And that the tracked functionality behaves in an analog way.
It burns down to this. The rest what I write, is just for making it more understandable:
Everything what Leo writes is correct except this:
It’s actually the same problem for watched categories. So I also make some pictures, if that helps:
- I watch the category features, but only the topics I clicked once in my user-history are listed in latest?state=watching:
I would want to see the complete feature latest list here.
2. And this is how my unread list looks like:
So I would want to see the complete feature latest list also here.
Since there are of course loads an loads of new posts and topics in the feature category that I haven’t read. I got notifications for them though, and that’s good. I want them!
For example these two notifications

from these two topics from the normal latest list, which are not in my unread and not in my ?state=watching list:

3. You can also see here, that there is no blue counter on new posts (these are two new topics, but it’s the same for not new). For our users it would be best if the posts since they first registrated would be counted, because they want to read everything that gets talked about in their category since they joined our community, also if it’s answers on old topics. It’s like they come in a room and start listening - they are part of everything that happens from now on. It seems to make very much sense to me, that a counter in interesting categories should behave like this, but maybe that’s debatable and depends on the use case. The important thing to us is anyhow the lists.