Option to include user field that is only editable by staff

These can be handy to add ‘verified’ info to user profiles :smiley:

(Alternatively adding a ‘show on signup’ option could be used to achieve the same thing)


There is this plugin that adds option to allow Staff to add notes to user and is only viewable to Staff members.


Thanks Dan but that’s not what I need - just need a user profile field with all the same functions of a normal profile field but one that is only editable by admin/staff. (Still want it to show on profiles and user cards but only for verified info to be placed in it)

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Gotcha. How much info are you looking at having in the field? As there maybe other ways.

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Why not make “verified” a badge or a group? Either way will work the exactly as you want.

I need to do something like this:

Where ‘Core Team Member’ could have any text (with hundreds of possible variations - so I don’t want to have to create a group or badge for each).

There’s already a Editable after signup? profile filed option, so we’d just need a Show on signup? option as well (which we could simply turn off). Is there anything like this already?

Found a way goto customize User field

You could have it required at sign up or not. User enters info (though if not required user will likely leave blank)

As it is not editable if not entered only an admin and Moderator can make changes.

Create a field for each. Settings allow published on user card and public profile.

I adjusted user card setting to show there

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That’s what I don’t want - users should not be able to edit/add anything to the field (just staff/admins).

With keeping it not required at sign up. You could like use Css ro hide this entry on preferences\profile page edit.

As mentioned if it is not editable after sign up. Most users usually don’t fill in details on profile during sign up.

So after that initial sign up there is no option to change it.

That’s not really ideal, but I appreciate you trying to help! :blush:

Ideally we’d have this option anyway, on some forums we have a lot of profile fields but they are not shown on sign-up because (apart from them being optional) it can be off-putting for many people signing up (a lot of people don’t actually realise some fields are optional when signing up - they are too busy just wanting to get an account).

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Not ideal. But verified if the feild is not populated during sign up it doesn’t show in preferences\profile til an admin/Mod edits it.

So it might not even show on a sign up. Would need to test by creating a test user new sign on to verify.

Otherwise may need a plugin. Will test new signup and give you results.

No luck. It shows to new sign up. Though you could likely call it something like Null?

So it might be something they maybe willing to add later. However at present you would likely need a plugin to add this function.

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