Discourse User Notes

:discourse2: Summary Discourse User Notes provides the ability to share notes with other staff about a user. Normal users cannot see these notes and are designed for staff to be able to privately note down important information other staff may need to know.
:hammer_and_wrench: Repository Link https://github.com/discourse/discourse-user-notes
:open_book: Install Guide How to install plugins in Discourse


The User Notes plugin can be enabled either by the toggle or from its settings, both accessible from your /admin/plugins page:


Sometimes staff members want to share notes about a particular user to help with moderation or support duties.

You can add a User Note to any user by using the admin wrench on one of their posts, or from their profile page:

The interface is displayed in a modal and you can add as many notes as you need to, complete with markdown support:

:information_source: Users cannot see these notes, they’re only visible to staff.

If a user has a user note, whenever they post you’ll see a little notes icon. Clicking it will bring up the notes:

user note indicator


Name Description
user notes enabled Allow staff users to attach notes to users
user notes moderators delete Allow moderators to delete user notes

:discourse2: Hosted by us? This plugin is available on our Business and Enterprise plans User Notes | Discourse - Civilized Discussion


A post was split to a new topic: Make User Notes accessible to category moderators

Great plugin! What’s the API parameter/endpoint for adding notes to topics?

Have you seen this topic? Reverse engineer the Discourse API

And btw user notes are tied to a post, not to a topic.