OVH VPS CLOUD - Any advice before i start?

Hello Friends,

I decided to go with OVH VPS cloud with 2 vCores 3.1 GHz - 4 GB RAM, 50 GB SSD / 100 Mbps.

Any advice before i start, i’m expecting 5000 to 10,000 daily visitors, Am I on the right way with this plan or i have to go bigger to make it handle this number of visits ?


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Anybody wanna help me in this ? please.

Why don’t you try and come back here if you get into any troubles? Discourse is one of the easiest software to migrate servers thanks to it’s EZ backup/restore feature.

I’m a beginner my friend this is why i’m here asking, i cant try without asking.
what i learned here that this software needs docker and i found that OVH supports that environment, and the plan fits with my budget, want i need to know now how much my website can handle with these resources. (2 vCores 3.1 GHz - 4 GB RAM, 50 GB SSD / 100 Mbps. ?


There is no magical formula I’m afraid. The only way to know if your VPS will handle your traffic is to actually try it.

Not even estimated Statistic ?

if you cant give a number or statistic can you advice me to a good hosting to start with, hosting has ability to go bigger and when my website grow.

i found this software 3 days ago and i fell in love with it specially after i try it on bitnami @zogstrip

Asking the same question multiple times won’t get you better answers, I’m afraid. Why don’t you try the answers you already got?

Maybe because i can’t stop investigating, i want to be 100% on the right way before i start anything.
Thanks for answering my questions yesterday, today i came with question about OVH.

I will be thinkful if you tell me your thoughts about OVH vps to start with, just in case if you have any informations about it.

please excuse my stupidity i’m new on this because i worked with wordpress for the last 8 years and i want to start with this software and i want to start with somthing good.


Here’s the deal: No one has has “No. That’ll never work,” so that’s as close to a “yes” as you’re going to get.

You say that you’ll have X user visits, but you don’t say whether those users will generate 1, 10, 100, or 1000 page views. And you probably don’t know.

If you’ve got this community running with some PHP-based forum and use the same hardware, Discourse will almost certainly be fine. You do need to make sure that the database will fit in RAM.


Stop investigating and start testing. As @zogstrip said, the stakes are pretty low. Most of the hosting services you’d use charge by the hour; you can set up and move to another service in under half an hour (plus DNS propagation, perhaps).

Go for it.


You are surely not alone with your enthusiasm for discourse and neither are you the first to wonder about these hosting questions. So, if you haven’t already done so, I suggest you search the #hosting category and you will find plenty of relevant topics. By reading those, you will get a sense for what to look out for when comparing providers (CPU frequency, for example).

Apart from that, I concur with @zogstrip’s advice above:

So if you ever conclude that you made the wrong decision, it’s really not a big deal to change provider. Besides, when it comes to scaling, virtually all providers let you scale up to a bigger plan without any migration.

Gentlemen, your responses are quite friendly.
as you both said i will start testing if i don`t like the provider i can change to another.
Thanks a lot for your help, i will go with your ideas.

@tophee @pfaffman


If you want see an example, i use OVH SSD hosting plan 2. It’s works fine. My forum is on my profile.

I will check it out.

Thanks buddy.