[Paid] Art gallery plugin

Hi everyone!

We want to build an art based forum for amateurs that want to learn the different painting techniques. The main idea is that the different artists upload their artwork and explain what technique (through tags), materials or how to do it (through the content of the post).

In order to make the easiest way to this, we have in mind some tweaks for a Discourse instance and some for a linked WordPress instance.

(If someone is interested, you can send me a PM to talk about details and budget.)

1. Artwork upload :art:

  • Add a button next to “New Topic” called “Upload artwork”. When the user clicks on this new button it will open a modal window similar to “Create Topic” but focused on upload the artwork elements. The button wouldn’t add any new functionality -in fact, it wouldn’t have a composer, only a form-field like-, its main purpose would be focus the user on upload an image or images and choose the correct tag with a closed list of these.

  • We want that this button and modal would be added on the WordPress site, with the same design but making use of the API to post to a Discourse topic.

  • I’ve added here a rudimentary mockup:

  • As a result of this form-like button, it will create a topic as usual with some CSS tweaks to visualize it better, like in the blog post plugin.

2. Artwork gallery :flower_playing_cards:

The Upload Artwork button-form won’t only create a topic but will produce another results:

  • Modify the profile of the users that have uploaded one of more artworks, so the background of his profile will be a clickable grid-style gallery of the artwork(s) they have published.

  • Create a new page with gallery that will list all the artworks listed by number of likes received and by date uploaded (basically a category list extracting the image as the main attraction to click).

  • The same page gallery but in Wordpress, via API (that links to the topics in the Discourse instance).

  • Another rudimentary mockup:


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