I want to use gumroad.com to sell memberships by embedding their buy button widget into the forum e.g. via versatile banner theme component. In order to remove any friction during checkout process, I want to prefill the user’s own email address into the embed code
For that we need to find a way to pass the user’s email address to the gumroad embed code so it’s added to the checkout process automatically. Gumroad offer a parameter to prefill the email address, see here
The code looks something like this and includes a params="email=..."
<div class="gumroad-product-embed" data-gumroad-product-id="pencil" data-gumroad-params="email=forumuser@email.com&price=10">
<a href="https://gumroad.com/l/pencil">Loading...</a></div>
Ideally, I would like to be able to use a placeholder such as {{currentUser.email}} within any HTML fields in theme components
Deadline Dec 15
Price: 100-300 USD depending on complexity of the task