If anyone’s familiar with PHPBB, MyBB, XenForo, etc these forum software have their category setup differently. You would create a category and then create child forums, and in these forums is where posts can be made. Unlike Discourse where a category is where users post, yes you can create child categories but this is not what I’m looking for.
Is it possible to do something like this with Discourse? Create a category and create child forums in which users can post? I know I’m not explaining this in the best way but I hope the screenshot I provided will make sense.
PS: I know I can simply create a category and then child categories and deny permission for people to post in the parent category but then there will be this annoying topic list that I can’t do anything about.
I just told you that the parent category won’t have any posts in it as I’m trying to replicate a category setup similar to what MyBB and others use. I don’t want the parent category to have any posts (if you read my first post, you’ll understand better.)