Parent Category name is not shown in sub category page title

I am not sure if this is a bug or I am missing any admin setting.

I tried Admin setting:

It does show the category name when I am on category page.

But, If i am on subcategory page, it only shows subcategory name in page title.

Shouldn’t Page title be like?
Parent Category -> SubCategory -> so on?

Problem Example:
This page is missing the parent category name ‘USA’ in page title


This results in same page title for multiple subcategories (with same name) inside different parent categories and SEO is affected.

Example: if i have ‘News’ subcategory under parent categories like USA->News and Australia->News.
Both subcategory pages will have the same Page title even though they belong to two different parent categories.

Please help with a setting, if any, that i may have missed.


Oh you mean the literal subcategory page <title>.

Sure I can see that, but I expect it will be a bit of a micro-optimization… on the other hand, it is pretty trivial to “fix”, so why not? Can you take that @gerhard?


Thanks @codinghorror for replying.

Yes, I mean the attribute on the page should include the Parent categories as well.

Looking forward for the fix.

That should fix it:

With the following hierarchy: PARENT CAT → SUB CAT

The title anchor will now print: “Latest PARENT CAT/SUB CAT topics - SITE TITLE” when browsing subcat page.


Thanks. i appreciate it. I guess the fix will be part of next release?

If you are self hosted and on Tests-passed (the default) you can upgrade now, either from the command line or at /admin/upgrade.

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AFAIK that PR hasn’t been merged yet.

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This is now merged :tada:


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