No "parent/main category" visible on main topic page


I have a small problem with my company Discourse forum, and I bet It’s easy to fix, but I don’t really have a head for it.

What is the problem: Users want topics on a main page to display “category, subcategory, tags” below the topic. Right now it’s only “subcategory, tags”

Let’s say I have category and subcategory:

  • Animals
    → Cats

And a tag “Feline, Fur”

The topic on a main page only displays like it:

Bla bla bla bla
Cats Feline, Fur

But the goal is:

Bla bla bla bla
Animals Cats Feline, Fur

Tried to check/uncheck admin settings, even tried some HTML/CSS code but no effect. I don’t know where problem is: settings? how topics are created? how categories/subcategories are created?

No idea. I will be glad for any type of help.

Hey, welcome to Meta :slight_smile:

Do you mean, for example, from



If so, you can try this component: GitHub - Arkshine/discourse-show-parent-category-link


Mine shows automatic category, subcategory and used tags and I can’t remember I would do anything funny :thinking:

If that was now the question…

That’s at the topic, but only the subcategory is shown in topic lists, like /latest.
I think

Is more likely to be /latest than a specific topic


That works. But it really dislikes Category Icons.

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Yes, unfortunately, it can’t be supported for the parent category. The core code doesn’t allow access to the extra icons added via the API.

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Yes yes yesss, this stuff. Gonna install and test it, looks promising. Many thanks.


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