Can we display category in page title?

I find that the category is part of the context which is often required to fully understand what a topic title means.

Is it possible to add the category to the page title? I think it would be useful in search results (as in Google, not Discourse’s built-in search).


Where do you think it should appear? Before or after the topic in the title tag?

Don’t think it’s super important but I would say after, just for consistency - keeping the elements in order of specificity.

Topic title - Category name - Discourse title

Well right now if you view source you can see the <title> of this page, for example, has

Can we display category in page title? - Discourse Meta

So should that become

Can we display category in page title? - Support - Discourse Meta


Support - Can we display category in page title? - Discourse Meta

As the category is the 2nd most/least specific term out of it, the forum name and the topic, I’d just slot it in the middle.

Topic title - Category name - Discourse title

Can we display category in page title? - Support - Discourse Meta

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It definitely should not be first. I keep my tabs pretty small and the title of the topic is much more important than the category.

I’m happy to make this change, should take 5 mins or so, just say the word @codinghorror

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Yeah probably fine, add category / subcategory to the end ala:

Topic title - Category name / Subcategory name - Discourse title