Paste URL into selection on mobile

If I am correct, we used to be able to select text and paste a URL to get a markdown hyperlink, just like on desktop. Did this break recently?

I’m on iOS, Safari.

Can you post more details and maybe a pic to help make things clearer.

By hyper link do you mean something like this?

Link to your Op Post

In the composer click on this

To create a hyper link.

Or posting link say in the topic title?

“Paste URL into selection” works exactly how you read it:


U select some text and paste a URL into that selection :slight_smile:

This works on desktop just fine, but it broke recently on mobile.

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Thank you. I wasn’t aware of that method to create one. Typically have been making them the more manual way. Lol

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Works on the discourse hub app…

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Hmm, currently I can’t repro this myself either… maybe it was a bug in Safari? I opened the topic right after I wasn’t able to do it here on Meta yesterday.