People struggle with discobot link step since copy/paste improvements to composer

So… I had a look in discobot’s messages for the first time in a little while, and am seeing that people are getting stuck on the first step. Here’s a typical example of what I am seeing alot of.

I think the issue is with the “To copy a link, tap and hold on mobile, or right click your mouse:” instruction. If I right click with the mouse to copy the text, and then paste it in my reply, it will include the bullet point. But then discobot complains.


I seem to remember that this was reported before and was supposed to be fixed. Let’s see if I can find it…

Here it is:

Maybe you didn’t get that update because you edited your copy?


They’re supposed to right click on the link itself. It does not say to select text anywhere in those instructions.

I dunno, teaching basic computer skills is outside the scope of Discourse…

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I’m with you on the limits of discourse - but am still glad of the link @tophee provides above, which is to a post you wrote that fixes this particular problem. :rocket: