I have both an Android phone & tablet, running the latest releases of Android/Chrome.
On the Pixel C, my standard orientation is landscape with a keyboard, so the mobile UI is not ideal. I keep trying the “request desktop version” in the browser options, but really wish that I didn’t have to do this step every single time I load a Discourse site.
Is there any way to persist the mobile/desktop preferences based on a cookie or something?
Yes, but that cookie would be per domain so how would it help? The real issue is, freakishly rare android tablet, does it send a unique agent like the Nexus series do?
I guess it would help by keeping the desktop UI setting every time I went to mydiscoursesite.example.org in my Android Chrome browser. Isn’t that desirable?
And, yes, unique user agent indeed:
Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Pixel C Build/MXC14G) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/49.0.2623.91 Safari/537.36
I think the call here is to always ask for Mobile + Android for Android mobile detection, if we need to whitelist some more 7’’ tablets (so they are treated as mobile) then we can