Is it possible to randomize the usernames for anonymous users? Right now, it’s just like @anonymous, @anonymous1, @anonymous2, and so on. Can we randomize the usernames from a predefined list? Or maybe, when someone goes anonymous, they get a pop-up to add a desired username with a prefix or suffix—something like ann-desiredusername or something similar?
Hmm… I don’t think this is possible.
But you may want to check out this plugin, as I think it’s almost what you’re looking for:
That does not really solve it :((
In this case, admins can post as another user, with any username you want, and it hides the identity of the admin to regular users.
Is this what you’re looking for? Or maybe I misunderstood.
What’s the purpose/use case? What a user would want to achieve when using this feature?