Pining topics hides the original author

These days I’m actively curating the topics on our discourse to help with discoverability, so I’m marking the main content written by my team as pinned globally. When I do that, my head appears on all the topics in the front page, which looks a little scary :face_with_spiral_eyes:

I would like the original author or the latest poster to appear instead. Many more faces in the main page looks more welcoming.

Does this make sense to others? Can we have it please? :slight_smile:

After pinning a topic you are usually the latest poster, because of the small post at the bottom which says that you pinned the topic.

You can delete that post. Then the latest poster works as you expect.
You can also use Topic List Author to show the author of the first post instead


Thanks @Moin.

I like the solution of deleting the pinned message, because then it will show the latest reply.
I think it looses some nice traceability about who is curating the lists, but that’s not too important for me now.


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