Pinned categories go to bottom of topic list when sorting topics in a voting category by descending

As the title says — I’ve got a pinned post in a voting category with topics to vote on, but the pinned topic gets put at the bottom of the list. I would have expected pins to stay at the top of the list (the pinned in question cant be voted on, but even so I would expect a pin to pin).

Hi :slight_smile:

Can you share a screenshot of this? I think there can be several reasons for this. Maybe the topic was read or manually “unpinned” (with a click on the pin, per-user), in which case the pin would be upside down, or the pinned topic is from a subcategory, but listed on the parent category list:

I’m moving the topic to support since we’re not sure we’re talking about a bug here yet. :slight_smile:

Ah - the topic has indeed been read but I’d like it to stay at the top regardless.

I also turned off both auto-upin settings but no change.

However I went to the posts and manually re-pinned them using the icon on the bottom left and now it seems properly pinned even after reading. I guess the unpin automatically didn’t update the pin settings for the post?